We are committed to providing resources that promote equity and social justice, and those that foster Francophone identity.
Through the Publications Catalogue, we also offer a variety of teaching resources.
Here are some of the resources available.
CTF/FCE resources
Publications Catalogue
Explore our online publications catalogue where you can find teaching resources on:
- Mental health
- Truth and reconciliation
- Child poverty
- French-language education in minority settings
- First Nations, Métis and Inuit education
- Sexual and gender minorities in education and society
- Technology in education
- Social justice issues, and more…
Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning
This information sheet breaks down trauma-informed teaching and learning, and provides strategies and resources for teachers to support students.
This CTF/FCE social justice program enables teachers and students to carry out community projects to support the environment, citizenship, health, and other social issues.
FEM•LEAD•FÉM is a living resource to support all who identify as women in teacher unions and are interested in women’s leadership, as well as their allies.
Speak Truth to Power
This award-winning online educational resource features lesson plans and resources for teaching human rights. Featuring 12 living Canadian defenders for human rights, this resource was developed by the CTF/FCE in close collaboration with the Canadian Museum for Human Rights as well as in cooperation with the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, and Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights.
Resources for Francophone education
French Educational Resources
See the resources supporting French‑language education, including the Portraits de l’éducation series aimed at supporting Francophone teachers who have recently immigrated to Canada.
Surveys on education in French-speaking minority communities
This popular online resource was developed with teachers in Francophone minority settings in mind. The site offers teaching tools, short videos, and activities to help teachers nurture their students’ Francophone identity while helping them achieve educational success.
Resources for teachers trained in other countries
Pathways to Teach Canada
You will discover a directory that helps teachers trained in other countries to obtain their certification and integrate into the Canadian labour market. You will also find information on provincial and territorial requirements as well as on prior learning recognition organizations.