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The CTF/FCE thanks Prime Minister Trudeau

| Democracy, Funding and resourcing, Public education

Each and every day, students, teachers, and education workers throughout our country head to class without much regard for who sits in the Prime Minister’s office, but the occupant certainly makes a difference in their lives. 

This is why the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) is committed to working with governments of all political stripes to strengthen public education. This non-partisan position is strongest when governments share a commitment to education, which has been our experience with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Following his decision to step down, the CTF/FCE sincerely thanks the Prime Minister for his leadership, including his steadfast commitment to ensuring that the federal government contributed to quality inclusive public education for all, at home and abroad.

During the COVID-19 pandemic when most school buildings were forced to close and education was upended, Prime Minister Trudeau showed a determination to problem solve. While respecting provincial/territorial responsibility for education, he helped many schools safely re-open and stay open.

More recently, the Prime Minister, along with various key Ministers, again demonstrated real leadership by funding, and developing policy for, a much-needed national school food program; for too long, Canada has been the only G7 country without one. This is life-changing for many young people and their families, and the CTF/FCE applauds the government’s initiative. We will continue to advocate for the full implementation of this program in all provinces and territories. 

Long before the pandemic and after, the Prime Minister has been very generous with his time for the CTF/FCE, engaging in dialogue on the issues that matter most to the over 370,000 teachers and educators we represent. Unlike other federal leaders, Justin Trudeau consistently made time to meet with the CTF/FCE, and members across the country, to listen to our concerns on many issues important to Canadians.  

The CTF/FCE looks forward to continuing our collaboration with the Prime Minister and we wish him and his family the very best. We hope we can count on continued dialogue and partnership with his successor, the next Prime Minister of Canada, and the federal government because education is the foundation of healthy communities and thriving democracies. In fact, it is the bedrock of Canada’s future. 

Thank you, Prime Minister.  You have made a very positive difference.

Heidi Yetman, CTF/FCE President
Cassandra Hallett, CTF/FCE Executive Director


About the CTF/FCE

Founded in 1920, the CTF/FCE is a national alliance of provincial and territorial teachers’ organizations that represent over 365,000 teachers and education workers across Canada. The CTF/FCE is also an affiliate of Education International, which represents more than 32-million educators.

Media Contact

Nika Quintao, Director of Public Affairs
Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE)
[email protected]   
Mobile: 613-688-4319
