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It is time for action on Truth and Reconciliation

| Political action, Social Justice

On this inaugural National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation is taking a moment to pause; to reflect on a history that has been unjust, unfair, and according to our society’s own values, unCanadian. This is a day that demands immediate action over continued promises. 

On the heels of a federal election, the CTF/FCE urges the next federal government to commit to implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, beginning with the development and implementation of an action plan to locate the unmarked graves of missing Indigenous children at every former residential school in Canada. 

After acting on a plan to address the past, the CTF/FCE calls on the federal government to formally apologize to the Indigenous peoples of Canada. As part of this apology, and to honour the memories and lives of the children lost, the CTF/FCE demands further actions to improve conditions in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, including in federal day schools, which have long been underfunded and under resourced.

In fact, a central part of reconciliation is education for all Canadian children and youth, which is why the authentic histories and stories of and by Indigenous Peoples must become part of curriculum across the country.  

Therefore, the CTF/FCE is committed to developing a framework, alongside survivors, Indigenous peoples, Elders, and educators, to support our 18 Member Organizations that may choose to call upon provincial and territorial ministries of education to conduct a review of Social Studies, History, and similar curricula from Indigenous perspectives. 

This includes identifying teachings that may be prejudiced or untrue and to develop a concrete plan for developing and implementing curricula that reflects the truth of Indigenous peoples’ histories in Canada, as an act of reconciliation. 

It’s time for action.

The Canadian Teachers’ Federation

Founded in 1920, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation is the national voice for the teaching profession. As the national alliance of provincial and territorial teacher organizations, the CTF/FCE represents over 300,000 elementary and secondary school teachers across Canada. 

Media contact

Andrew King,
Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE)
Mobile: 819-213-7847   
