Board of Directors
Members of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for the affairs of the Federation between general meetings. It provides political direction regarding priorities as well as general oversight of the management of the CTF/FCE with respect to strategic planning, financial and accounting matters, human resources, and policies. The Board of Directors meets in November, April, and in advance of the AGM, and as needed in February. It is composed of:
- the President
- the Vice-Presidents
- the President-Designate (if applicable)
- the Executive Director
- one non-voting Director and one standing Observer from each Associate Organization elected in accordance with the Bylaws.
The CTF/FCE President serves a two-year term. Vice-Presidents also serve a two-year term aligned with that of the President. A President-Designate is elected during the second year.
Heidi Yetman
President -
Clint Johnston
President-Designate -
Jenny Regal
Vice-President -
Karen Littlewood
Vice-President -
Justin Matchett
Vice-President -
Connie Keating
Vice-President -
Anne Vinet-Roy
Vice-President -
Cassandra Hallett
Executive Director
Directors - Member Organizations
British Columbia Teachers’ Federation
Carole Gordon
First Vice-President -
Amber Mitchell
Executive Director
The Alberta Teachers’ Association
Jason Schilling
President -
Dennis Theobald
Executive Secretary
Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation
Samantha Becotte
President -
Angela Banda
Executive Director
The Manitoba Teachers’ Society
Nathan Martindale
President -
Glen Anderson
Interim Executive Director
Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco‑ontariens
Gabrielle Lemieux
President -
Anne Lavoie
Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer
Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario
Karen Brown
President -
Sharon O’Halloran
General Secretary
Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association
René Jansen in de Wal
President -
David Church
General Secretary
Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation
Malini Leahy
Vice-President -
Chris Goodsir
General Secretary
Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers
Steven Le Sueur
President -
Sébastien Joly
Executive Director
New Brunswick Teachers’ Association
Peter Lagacy
President -
Ardith Shirley
Executive Director
Nova Scotia Teachers Union
Peter Day
President -
Steve Brooks
Executive Director
Prince Edward Island Teachers’ Federation
Andy Doran
President -
Patrick MacFadyen
General Secretary
Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association
Trent Langdon
President -
Stefanie Tuff
Executive Director
Yukon Association of Education Professionals
Ted Hupé
President -
Ethan Emery
Executive Director
Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
Rita Mueller
President -
Matthew Miller
Executive Director
Nunavut Teachers’ Association
Elizabeth Ryan
Vice-President -
John Fanjoy
Executive Director
Directors - Associate Organizations
Ontario Teachers’ Federation
Michael Foulds
President -
Ian Pettigrew
New Brunswick Teachers’ Federation
Kerry Leopkey
Executive Director -
Caroline Foisy
Deputy Executive Director