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Farewell: The CTF/FCE Thanks Prime Minister Justin Trudeau  

| Funding and resourcing, Indigenous Education, Public education

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 – Ottawa – The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) extends its gratitude to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his years of dedicated service to Canada and his commitment to public education. As he steps away from his role as Prime Minister, we wish to recognize the many contributions he has made to strengthen our country, our communities, and public education. 

Throughout his nine-year tenure, Prime Minister Trudeau demonstrated an unwavering belief in the power of education to shape a better future. His government’s investments in student mental health resources and Indigenous education initiatives reflected a genuine commitment to ensuring that every child in Canada could thrive. The Prime Minister also helped shine a spotlight on our international work, and specifically the Simameni Project, a collaboration with Global Affairs Canada, which succeeded in improving access, retention, and educational opportunities for secondary-aged girls in schools from the Western and Teso regions of Uganda.  

As families, students, and education workers navigated the unimaginable disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic, Prime Minister Trudeau worked diligently with Provinces and Territories to ensure schools operated safely. Most recently, the Prime Minister announced the National School Food Program. Included in the 2024 budget, the program will invest $1 billion over five years with a target of providing meals to 400,000 more kids every year, beyond those served by existing school food programs. As of today, all Provinces and Territories have signed on, ensuring Canadian students in public education have access to nutritious food at school. This will do much to lift children and families out of poverty, to enhance learning, and to ease the very real burdens many teachers and education workers have faced as they felt compelled to feed hungry students. 

Prime Minister Trudeau was a friend and partner to the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, actively engaging with our organization to better understand the needs of educators across the country. His experience as an educator offered him a unique understanding of the value of public education, and a sincere desire to listen to, and advocate for, education workers. As working conditions degrade, and teacher retention and recruitment reach crisis levels, we cannot underscore enough the importance of having a federal government that not only collaborates with the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, but that truly espouses the values we work to uphold. In this respect, the Prime Minister led by example. Generous with his time, Prime Minister Trudeau genuinely engaged with educators throughout his tenure including at the annual Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence and at many other national events and initiatives.  

On behalf of the over 370,000 teachers and education workers we represent across Canada, we thank Prime Minister Trudeau for his service, his leadership, and his partnership. We recognize the challenges he faced during his time in office, and we commend his efforts to advance social justice, inclusion, and equity within our schools and society. 

As Prime Minister Trudeau embarks on the next chapter of his life, we extend our best wishes for a future filled with success, fulfillment, and continued contributions to the well-being of Canadians while he also enjoys more time with his family. His dedication to public service will be remembered, and his impact will continue to resonate in classrooms across Turtle Island.  

Heidi Yetman, CTF/FCE President
Cassandra Hallett, CTF/FCE Executive Director 

About the CTF/FCE

Founded in 1920, the CTF/FCE is a national alliance of provincial and territorial teachers’ organizations that represent over 365,000 teachers and education workers across Canada. The CTF/FCE is also an affiliate of Education International, which represents more than 32-million educators.

Media Contact

Nika Quintao, Director of Public Affairs
Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE)
[email protected]   
Mobile: 613-688-4319
