Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Together again
Friends, this year’s Annual General Meeting is perhaps the most consequential in the Federation’s 100+ years. Two years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic forced us apart, and with that distance our annual gathering became virtual. Of course, the business went ahead but the chance to strengthen relationships and celebrate our solidarity was put on hold. Now, we are coming together, in person, once again. Our best work and our most influential actions are carried out as a collective, and this is our opportunity to set the course to strengthen public education in Canada.
For more than two years, teachers and education support staff across our country have displayed incredible dedication in the face of immense challenges. Canadians saw firsthand how important education professionals are to lives of children and youth in every corner of the country. With unwavering commitment to their students, whether in person or through emergency remote and online learning, teachers and support staff sustained publicly funded public education in Canada. But those extraordinary efforts did not come without a cost.
This year’s AGM provides an important opportunity to show our appreciation for each and every colleague who carried the physical and emotional burdens, as well as the health risks that came with ensuring public education survived this crisis. As education leaders, we need to be mindful of the sacrifice and struggle of our colleagues as we gather to rebuild what has been lost and strengthen what has endured.
Even though it took a global crisis to get Canadian’s attention, it is clear how central and vital quality publicly funded public education is to our communities.
On behalf of the CTF/FCE, the national voice for more than 365,000 teachers and support staff, I look forward to seeing you in Ottawa this July as we move forward together, in unity.
Sam Hammond
Candidate for CTF/FCE President-Designate
Heidi Yetman, QPAT
Election statement and biographical sketch
Award and Tribute Recipients
Larry Jamieson
Special Recognition Award
This award is presented to individuals who have given meritorious service to education and/or the teaching profession at the provincial/territorial, national or international level.
Shelley L. Morse
Special Recognition Award
This award is presented to individuals who have given meritorious service to education and/or the teaching profession at the provincial/territorial, national or international level.
Michelle Jean-Paul
Special Recognition Award
This award is presented to individuals who have given meritorious service to education and/or the teaching profession at the provincial/territorial, national or international level.
Victor Thunderchild
Recognition of an Outstanding Indigenous Educator
This recognition pays tribute to a teacher who has demonstrated leadership in Indigenous education and excellence in teaching that reflects Indigenous culture.
Catherine (Chickadee) Richard
Recognition of an Indigenous Elder
This recognition pays tribute to the contributions of an Indigenous Elder to public education in Canada.
Guest Speaker
Important Information
The 2022 CTF/FCE Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at the Delta Ottawa City Centre. You are also invited to attend the President’s Reception and Host Night. Please ensure you indicate whether you will be joining us when you register. If you are planning to bring a guest to the social events, tickets can be purchased on the registration site. Please register by June 24, 2022.
Hotel Reservations
The Delta Ottawa City Centre is holding a block of rooms for AGM participants, with a group rate of $192 per night for a standard room. Please book your hotel room by Wednesday, June 15, 2022 (16:00 ET) to benefit from the group rate.
To reserve, call 1-888-236-2427 or book you stay through the direct booking link above. When booking, please reference CTF/FCE AGM July 2022.
Please email Nika Quintao, Meeting and Event Planner, at [email protected] if you have any questions about the hotel.
Health and Safety
In keeping with the Federation’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment and to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the CTF/FCE will continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation in Ottawa. In the unlikely event that we enter another serious wave of the virus or a provincial lockdown, we will be in touch with Member and Associate Organizations about alternate plans and provide an update on this webpage.
- All individuals attending the AGM are asked to complete the Ontario Public Health self-assessment, prior to travelling to/arriving in Ottawa and prior to joining the AGM on Wednesday, July 6. Anyone who feels unwell is asked to please not attend the meeting.
- In the event you feel unwell, you are asked to refrain from attending the meeting and to inform the Head of Delegation from your organization who is asked to contact Deputy Secretary General Claudia Guidolin as soon as possible.
- Although not required, we strongly encourage all participants to practice physical distancing where possible.
- Pending the situation with COVID-19 in July, we may also provide KN95 masks and encourage AGM participants and guests to wear one.
Please note that we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation in Ottawa and will share updates that might affect this year’s AGM.
Scent-Free Policy
The CTF/FCE adheres to a scent-free policy at all its meetings and events because of sensitivities and allergies among staff and attendees.
Discover Ottawa
We look forward to welcoming AGM participants to our Nation’s Capital. Click here to explore all that Ottawa has to offer!
Hourly Schedule
Tuesday, July 5
- 10:30 - 11:00
- Orientation for Election Candidates (virtual format)
- 11:00 - 12:00
- Orientation for New Delegates (virtual format)
- The Orientation for New Delegates aims to help first-time and other interested delegates navigate the AGM and to make sure they feel ready to fully engage. Through the guidance of CTF/FCE staff, new and interested delegates learn the rules, processes, ins and outs of the AGM, all the while receiving answers to even the most perplexing questions they may have.
- 17:00 - 18:00
- Orientation for New Delegates (in person)
Wednesday, July 6
- 8:30 - 16:00
- AGM Registration
- 9:00 - 12:30
- Pre-AGM Board of Directors’ Meeting
- 13:00 - 15:00
- Member Organizations’ Caucus Meetings (if applicable)
- 15:00 - 16:00
- Women’s Caucus
- The CTF/FCE Women’s Caucus is a safe space gathering of diverse delegates who identify as women to review and provide women’s perspectives on resolutions, to meet candidates for CTF/FCE Office who identify as women, and – if they wish – to discuss other matters coming to the AGM.
- 16:15 - 17:15
- Equity Seeking Group Caucus
- The CTF/FCE Equity Seeking Group Caucus is a safe space gathering of delegates from equity seeking groups to review and provide a social justice and equity perspective on resolutions, to meet candidates for CTF/FCE Office, and – if they wish – to discuss other matters coming to the AGM.
- 18:00 - 20:00
- Annual General Meeting – Opening Session
- 20:00 - 22:00
- President’s Reception (Sponsored by Johnson Insurance)
Thursday, July 7
- 9:00 - 16:00
- Annual General Meeting
- 17:30 - 17:45
- Buses depart the Delta hotel for the Ottawa Art Gallery
- 18:00 - 22:30
- Host Night – Ottawa Art Gallery
Friday, July 8
- 9:00 - 13:00
- Annual General Meeting
- 13:15 - 15:15
- Meeting of the 2022-2023 Executive Committee