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100th Annual General Meeting (AGM)


100th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

When we began the year in September 2019, the Federation was gearing up for a Federal Election with a focus on key priorities chosen by delegates at the Annual General Meeting. All of this was taking place amongst the backdrop of the CTF/FCE’s countdown toward its 100th anniversary. The celebration of the centenary was going to be memorable; an opportunity to look back with pride as we turned our focus toward the future. Little did I or anyone else know what 2020 would bring. 

Alas, there will be no grand celebrations, no toasts to be made, but the work continues. Although communities are only beginning to reopen after months of closure brought on by the COVID-19 crisis, the teaching profession has endured throughout to ensure that students continued to learn safely from a distance. Teachers and education support personnel went beyond what was expected by checking in to see how students were coping during a time that has been anything but normal.  

To acknowledge those efforts and dedication, and as a sign of our collective commitment to the profession, the 100th AGM of the CTF/FCE is taking place as planned. However, this marks the first occasion in our history that we meet virtually. Even though having delegates together like this on a digital platform can never replace convening in person, the fact that we will convene is an example of the solidarity that exists from coast to coast to coast. 

I look forward to seeing you this July, albeit virtually, as we plan the road ahead. 

Shelley L. Morse

National Anthem by Nikan Kanate

Prime Minister Trudeau’s message


Candidate for CTF/FCE President Designate

Candidates for CTF/FCE Vice-President positions designated for women

Candidates for CTF/FCE Vice-President positions open at large

Clint Johnston, BCTF
Election statement and biography

The event is finished.


Jul 08 - 09 2020


11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/Toronto
  • Date: Jul 08 - 09 2020
  • Time: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
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