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Category: Unionization

The Secret Teachers’ Organization in Poland

Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, stated on May 15, 1940, that “for the non-German population of the East, there should not be any schools at a higher level than four-year elementary school. The goal of such a school should be only simple counting, at most to 500, writing one’s name, teaching that obedience […]

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Francophonie, trade unionism … and populism

Do you speak French? In Canada, close to 10 million* Francophones and francophiles can answer yes to that question. What about when you ask Franco-Ontarians if they can speak French? They’ll answer yes, of course. But behind that yes, you may very well sense something more: a deep and legitimate indignation. For, once again, Francophones’ fundamental […]

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