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Category: Political action

Opening access with the Citizenship Project

With a federal election on the horizon, we can expect to hear from some pretty reliable voices. Party leaders making promises, academics weighing in, community residents at town halls, journalists trying to quote them all. But what about people who want to speak up and aren’t sure how—like young adults with disabilities? The Citizenship Project […]

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Moving beyond the tap on the shoulder: new online resource aims to empower women in leadership of their teacher organizations

Back in high school when I ran for a seat on the students’ council, a group of young women showed up at my doorstep one evening to help me with crafting catchy slogans and jazzy campaign posters.  I remember thinking “Wow!” because I had not even asked for their help!  Their unexpected support boosted my […]

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Francophonie, trade unionism … and populism

Do you speak French? In Canada, close to 10 million* Francophones and francophiles can answer yes to that question. What about when you ask Franco-Ontarians if they can speak French? They’ll answer yes, of course. But behind that yes, you may very well sense something more: a deep and legitimate indignation. For, once again, Francophones’ fundamental […]

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Revisiting the Winnipeg General Strike

2019 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike, a crucially important event in the history of our labour movement and our country. For over six weeks, Winnipeg was the site of one of the longest general strikes in Canadian history, one that would have a profound impact on the development of the modern […]

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