Reflections of a committed “Francophile”
CTF Secretary General Cassie Hallett describes her journey to being a “Francophile” which was ignited when she was a teenager participating in a summer immersion program.
CTF Secretary General Cassie Hallett describes her journey to being a “Francophile” which was ignited when she was a teenager participating in a summer immersion program.
Cassie Hallet DaSilva describes how Education International’s global response to counter privatization and commercialization in education is mobilizing teacher organizations – including CTF – around the world.
Secretary General Cassandra Hallett explores the ways in which character education can help students develop into more well-rounded, socially conscious people; better than any standardized test could.
In her first message as Secretary General, Cassandra Hallett explains the PATH for the Canadian Teachers’ Federation’s strategic plan which will lead the federation’s to its 100th anniversary in 2020.